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Woman of the Month

Woman Of The Month - Maria McLean

Maria McLean was born and educated in London. Following a career in sales and marketing with the corporate hospitality industry, Maria moved to the French Riviera in 2004. Maria worked with AngloInfo for a number of years before starting her own marketing business.

When she is not working, Maria enjoys all aspects of theatre and dance from spectator to performer and to taking part with local drama groups. Maria also enjoys pilates, cooking and reading. And for those who know her, Maria really enjoys a little well deserved G&T on a Friday evening!

We asked Maria our famous 5 questions and this is how she replied:

1) What makes you smile?

That’s a big question….lots of things make me smile….waking up to a beautiful blue sky, spending time with my son….seeing a quick ‘Good morning’ text pop in from a friend who’s far away…. I also believe that you need to make yourself smile, it’s a difficult thing to recognise but only you know what makes you unhappy and it’s up to you to change that. Nobody can do that for you and often it’s a very very scary thing to face up to but once it’s done you really do wonder why it took you so long! Oh and change, change makes me smile. Knowing that I’m moving forward, in a new direction or simply moving the furniture around at home. I love doing something different and I’m very easily bored.

2) What or who inspires you?

This made my smile! I was away with a very old and dear friend last week and we discussed this very point. Apparently saying that it’s your mother isn’t at all cool… I then looked around for key people who have influenced my life and who I am and there are many that have made me who I am and helped me on my journey. Inspiration can come from so many sources and at very unexpected times. I would say it’s important to always be open to new ideas and new ways of thinking or looking at things. My pet hate is the phrase ‘because we’ve always done it like this’, perhaps that related to my love of change. I’m always looking for a new and innovative way to do something which can be very annoying to people around me – at least I recognise that!

3) Do you believe in gut instincts?

Yes, yes and yes. How I feel is always the way I make a decision. I am very much a people person and believe firmly that it’s all about gut instinct. Having worked in sales and marketing for most of my career then for me it’s all about people buying people and if you get that right then the rest will follow. I’ve learned over the years that sometimes you need to look at other influential factors but usually it’s my gut that wins in the end.

4) Your three essential things if you were stuck on a desert island would be what?

Am I allowed my phone? Everyone who knows me will understand that I am surgically attached to my iphone. Communication is my second name. What would happen if I couldn’t respond almost immediately to that e-mail, message or text?

And then wi-fi…is that allowed or even possible? All part of the communication process I guess…

Then a really good moisturiser and sun cream – I’m assuming that it will be hot and sunny and I’ll be able to take some time out to get a healthy tan.

5) If you are planning a day/night out, what do you enjoy doing the most?

This has to involve food, possibly a gin and tonic and I think my favourite is to welcome friends into my home. My father is Italian and I grew up where food equals love so if you ever arrive at my house and I don’t offer you something to eat and drink then you can be very sure I won’t be inviting you back! Having said that, When I am in London for a business trip or indeed pleasure, I really love to cram in a musical theatre visit…I miss that living in France and having had dance and musical training I love an evening in the West End. Oh and shopping! Maybe a day in NYC with an unlimited budget? After the lottery win that is.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016    Section: Woman of the Month
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