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Woman of the Month

Woman Of The Month - Maggy de Grés

Maggy de Grés was born in Hautmont near Lille in the north of France and now spends half of her time in Marseille and the other half in Roquebrune Cap Martin.

Maggy is a former dancer and for the past 5 years has been teaching dance in Marseille where she enjoys to demonstrate and share the feel-good factor through her love of dance. Since September Maggy has also been teaching Bollywood style dancing with our very own Anette Shine through her Sunshine Association in Cap d'Ail.

Maggy realised that her talent for making people feel good about themselves extended in personal development too and helping people to fulfill their passions and dreams.

So Maggy decided to complete a one year training course in styling at JBM Consulting with Julie Raynaud in Aix en Provence to become an image consultant and believes that making the most of yourself is key to confidence and success.

If you are not dressed well, we only see your clothes, but if you are well dressed, it’s only YOU we are seeing and not your clothes… says Maggy de Grés.

Maggy believes that image is a reflection of one's alter ego which is also influenced by society and to be truly free from this stigma, it is essential to speak with an expert who will discover the 'real' you, giving you freedom to express. Maggy seeks to enhance your overall appearance by discovering your personality so you can shine. Maggy wants to give you attitude and introduce you to your new journey so you can enjoy being the best person possible.

This will be a journey of exploration through colour, fabrics and self-awareness. Enjoy the journey!

For a consultation or more information speak with Maggy.

Mobile +33 (0)6 47 73 14 72

We asked Maggy our famous 5 questions and this is what she told us...

1) What makes you smile?

I smile whenever I feel harmony with nature and the people around me. I smile when I see the people I am working with discover the harmony within themselves. For me it is a great sensation to see a person blooming in her personal life and professional life. Sometimes I meet clients who after having an image make-over have begun a new professional journey and this gives me the biggest smile.

2) What or who inspires you?

My inspiration comes from the personality of my clients when I meet them. Their joy and enthusiasm for change inspires me to be the best I can be.

3) Do you believe in gut instincts?

My instinct is my main 'electrical wire'... I trust it completely. When I teach Bollywood and Belly-dancing, my choreography comes from my instinct, my creative side and especially my feelings of the moment and I allow it to guide me.

4) Your three essential things if you were stuck on a desert island would be what?

My Sweetheart
My Cat
My Music

5) If you are planning a day/night out, what do you enjoy doing the most?

When I have a day for myself, I love to be alone in order to develop fresh ideas. I like to be by the sea, to listen to waves, to listen to my body, and my inner thoughts.

In the evening I do enjoy to indulge in a hot bubble bath with candles and my choice of music, so I can truly recharge. These moments are very important to me  so I can be the best person I can be for my friend and clients.

More from Maggy:

Thursday, 1 December 2016    Section: Woman of the Month
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