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Health and Beauty

Anette Shine Inspires Confidence - The Yoga Journey

By Yoga & Fitness expert Anette Shine.

The importance of choosing a certified yoga teacher: Yoga is an inner journey, not just a physical practice.

Anette Shine 'Sunshine Yoga' celebrating 10 years at the Monte Carlo Bay

Yoga is an over 5000 years old complete philosophical & ethical system which, step by step, guides us towards the goal of self-realisation. It’s a life-long journey: little by little we learn to refine ourselves. Yoga helps to calm down our monkey minds, keep our physical bodies in good health, finding balance and a deeper understanding of life.

The word yoga means “union”. Union between mind, body & spirit. Union with the universe; living in connection with source. To transmit this vast system correctly and successfully is a huge responsibility. It takes knowledge, passion, humility, intuition and charisma. Knowledge is power, and being certified shows the willingness to go out of ones way with an infinite eagerness to learn. Because the more we study, the more we realise how much more there is to know. So continuing education is a must.

Being certified also helps giving the confidence to teach. The longer a teacher training is, the deeper the transformation and authenticity.. Unfortunately today one can become a certified yoga teacher after only one week of training. I highly recommend the teacher trainings that take at least 4 years, as one has the time to “digest” the ancient texts, learn the sanskrit names, and go into depth with the anatomy of the poses. It gives more integrity & authority. We learn how to help others connect to a higher consciousness and their own inner being, which makes them feel good & uplifted. This is very rewarding.

Safety is another important aspect of transmitting the yoga poses (asanas) An experienced teacher knows how to modify any pose in several ways, give clear verbal cues for correct alignments, and commands the room like a conductor conducting an orchestra, with a confident voice that inspires the students to work during the entire class time and attain some of that passion, clarity, integrity, ease, grace, compassion, equanimity and love that the teacher embodies.

Don’t be afraid to ask your yoga teacher how he/she prepared to teach. If they don’t have a clear answer that gives you confidence in their knowledge and skills, look for other options. Soak in their vibration and trust your own gut feeling about them.

With Love, Light & Yoga Passion:

Anette XXX

Anette Shine has been teaching Yoga since 1993. She founded  "Sunshine Yoga Monte-Carlo” in 2003. Anette is certified in numerous schools of Yoga as well as a certified Pilates, Zumba, Piloxing & ACE-fitness instructor. She brings her knowledge and insight to both teachers and practitioners at her studio. She has launched over 20 Yoga instructors in Monaco over the past decade.

AnetteShine Supta Vajrasana

Telephone No. +377 97 77 78 01

Sunday, 1 May 2016    Section: Health and Beauty    Author: Anette Shine
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