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General Articles

Lemon - A true zest for good living

The air is full of lemon blossom and before long trees will be abundant with beautiful yellow fruit. We found a 5 useful ways that lemons can be used in the home.

To clean copper pots easily.
Take half a lemon and dip into salt. Rub the lemon over the tarnished copper bottom pot and what it work. This method is also good for removing grease from a cook top and with stainless steel pans. For where there is a real buildup of grease, use the half lemon or lemon juice with sea salt.

Cleaning cheese graters.
Take one half lemon and then run it over the grater. The acid in the lemon will help break down the fat in the cheese. If the food is really stuck on the grater you can dip the lemon in table salt and the salt will act as a scrubber; combined with the lemon it will remove most foods.”

Freshen the Fridge.
Remove refrigerator odours effectively. Dab lemon juice on a cotton wool ball or onto a sponge and leave it in the fridge for several hours. Be sure to remove any of items that you think may be causing a bad smell.

Keep Insects Out of the Kitchen.
This is an excellent way to help keep your kitchen ant free. Spray lemon juice on doorways and windowsills. If you have any holes or cracks where you believe the ants are getting in, squeeze lemon juice directly into them. Also place small slices of lemon peel around the outdoor entrance. To deter cockroaches and fleas - Mix the juice of 4 lemons using the rinds too with 2 litres of water and wash the floors with it. These creatures do not like the smell and will soon find a new home.

Eliminate Pet-Box Odour.
Place half cut lemons on a dish in the room with the strong odour. Before long the air will be smell lemon fresh. Do this in any room including the bathroom.

Monday, 1 June 2015    Section: General Articles
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