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Food and Recipes

Brussel Sprouts

It's the world's smallest cabbage: the Brussel Sprout. Yet we still struggle to make them appertising and flavoursome.

Here are some quick and easy ways to make brussel sprouts the tasty dish they deserve to be.

Brussel Sprouts and Chestnuts 

500 g brussel sprouts, trimmed and cleaned
150 g lardon pieces
Use either 175 g of freshly cooked or tinned chestnuts, cut in halves or quarters
2 tablespoons butter
Salt and pepper

Boil sprouts for about 12 minutes and drain.
Melt butter and fry the lardon pieces gently for a few minutes.
Add sprouts and chestnuts.
Cook until sprouts are beginning to brown.

Brussel Sprouts and Onions

500 g brussel sprouts
1 chopped onion
1 clove garlic
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

Fry onions and garlic in olive oil until soft.
Divide the leaves of the sprouts and add to the onions.
Season with salt and pepper and pan fry until cooked.

Brussel Sprouts and Peanut Butter

500 g brussel sprouts
Olive Oil
Teaspoon peanut butter

Boil sprouts until cooked.
Add sprouts to a frying pan with oil.
Then add a generous teaspoon of peanut butter.
Stir until melted and serve.

Brussel Sprouts Fried

500 g of brussel sprouts
1 beaten egg
Grated parmesan cheese
Olive oil

Split the brussel sprouts.
Roll in flour.
Dip in the egg and cheese.
Fry in olive oil on a gentle heat for about 15 minutes or until soft and lightly browned.



Thursday, 16 December 2010    Section: Food and Recipes
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