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Health and Beauty

Improve Your Vision with Yoga for the Eyes

By Fitness & Yoga Expert Anette Shine.

Yoga is a great tool to improve your health and you can even use it to improve your eye-sight that does decline as we get older.

Slow down or stop the blurring altogether with these exercises.

Do not move your head, only the eyes.

Imagine the face of a clock:  

1) Look straight up to 12 o'clock, then straight down to 6 o'clock. Keep going up and down feeling the eye muscles strengthening, then finish looking straight ahead in the centre.

2) Then look from side to side between 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock and come back to neutral. Then diagonal between 2 o'clock and 8 o'clock. Then between 10 and 4 o'clock. Now we'll go around in a circle: look straight up to 12 o'clock (between the eyebrows) then move a little to the right until 1 o'clock, then 2, 3 etc all the way around the clock until you arrive back up at 12, then look straight forward to "neutral".

Then start all over going the other way around anti-clockwise and come back to neutral. At the end rub your hands together, creating heat and place your hands on your eyes, bringing them healing energy and conscious care.

Enjoy the quick progress when you do this often! &
+377 97 77 78 01 (Sunshine Yoga)

Publicity by Anna Fill - The Riviera Woman

Wednesday, 1 April 2015    Section: Health and Beauty    Author: Anette Shine
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