General Articles
Judy Churchill: Personal Experiences: Uncluttering to succeed
By Judy Churchill
Judy is offering a very special Valentine's offer. See more details at the end of the article.
Invest in yourself and love yourself too!
I know what I want so why can’t I get started on my new projects and goals?
One of the frequently recurring issues I deal with in Life Coaching is not people’s inability to define what their goals are, but their inability to actually action them and get started. So why does this occur? What’s holding them back? Is it the same as when we procrastinate or put off a task that we hate doing? In fact it isn’t. Procrastination is easier to understand because the human brain will do anything to avoid an uncomfortable task and replace it with a more pleasurable activity.
So why can’t we get started, what’s stopping us? There are usually several reasons but the biggest offender is usually activity clutter and overload. We have created an aquarium of piranhas that eat into our days, weeks and months without leaving a single, tiny morsel of time for us to embark on anything new, however exciting it may be. We are simply living in an unfocused frenzy and can’t see the wood for the trees.
So why are we so blind? We can’t see activity clutter for ourselves, as activities are a little like overcrowded wardrobes; we buy a new outfit but don’t necessarily throw out an old one to make space for it. We hang onto a jungle of out-dated garments worthy of a Hollywood wardrobe department and for all the wrong reasons, not even stopping to think of a regular seasonal clear out and update to suit our age, size, circumstances and lifestyle. It’s easy to hoard, accumulate and then bury our heads in the sand. It’s so much harder to stop, take a step back and decide what we need to let go of. In fact doing this single-handed is nigh on impossible. For your wardrobe the fastest solution is to enlist the services of a professional closet clearer and restyler/stylist (see last month’s article on Soude Booth).
For your life the most efficient, fast track and pain-free solution is to enlist the services of a life coach.
In my sessions I take a look at 9 typical crucial areas of a client’s life and assess how much time they are currently devoting to each area in a typical 98-hour week. In most cases not only are lives unbalanced, with some areas top-heavy and others neglected if not positively starved, but more importantly the figures just don’t add up. They would need a month to complete the tasks they have set for themselves for a week. Just as you may have 80 pairs of shoes for 20 spaces in your closet, so in your life you have probably unwittingly programmed 200 hours of activities into your 98-hour week. You won’t even realise you’ve done it and just like the clothes at the back of the wardrobe or hidden at the bottom of a drawer, you won’t even see them. If you are reading this and can identify with the feeling of being overwhelmed by a backlog of tasks to complete and unaccomplished goals, then I’m describing your situation.
So before you take on something new you need to eek out time to do this and tweak various areas of your life. You need help to update or renew your approach. To introduce any new life plan or career project into your schedule, you will need to factor in how many hours you need on a daily basis to make it happen. To be able to do this in an already overcrowded schedule it’s helpful to have someone who can take a dispassionate but sympathetic look at where you are today. You need an unbiased, unemotional snap shot of your current situation and then someone to help you decide what you need throw out, show you what you now longer need and what no longer serves you or others in your life and then create some empty compartments. You need someone to help you stay on track, keeping you moving forward towards success on a daily basis and to make sure that you don’t slip back into your former bad habits. You need someone to strip off the old paintwork before you can redecorate. Most people spend time just papering over the cracks but never get down to a full refurbishment of their lives.
Your Life Coach becomes your project manager to whom you are accountable for staying on track, meeting deadlines and achieving your positive outcomes. It can be done, I do it everyday with my clients and we do it fast. Success is achieved when you commit to following the life-coaching programme – no ifs and no buts-. The relief and happiness that is felt from seeing the clouds lift and allowing the sun to come shining through is immense. You feel energised and positive instead of despondent and bogged down and unable to fathom out why you haven’t even got started on something you’ve been dreaming about for so long. Clear out the clutter, simplify and upgrade your existence – you won’t regret it. This will be your best investment. Above all success needs to be structured and you need someone to ‘watch your back’ – that’s your coach’s job!
You could even make it your valentine’s gift to yourself or a loved one. To help one of you to get started, for Valentine’s Day, I’m offering a 100-euro discount to the first person to contact TRW and claim it. It can be redeemed on any of my three life coaching programmes. Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
If you would like to receive life or career coaching, business training or language tutoring from Judy, you can contact her on:, via Facebook messenger and