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My Musical Journey Part 2 - I am not a Team Player!
"I am not a Team Player!"...
What do I mean? I mean just that – I am not a team player.
I have a feeling there may be some very confused faces and I will expand...
BUT! and I do emphasise BUT... I work well in a team.
So why is that different, you may well ask? Logical question so let me explain....
When I was young, which wasn't that long ago... of course – there was this television programme called 'The Prisoner'! It really was one of the most bizarre programmes ever. And truthfully, I was very very young when this programme was showing.
It was a story of a secret agent that had been abducted and taken to an unknown place called 'The Village' where everyone was robotic-like, sedated and recognised in one way... and he used to shout out in defiance 'I am not a number'...(The link is Episode 1 - Arrival)
I never did understand the meaning of the white balloon on the beach? – You really have to see it! And for a programme that had only 17 episodes and first appeared between 1967 and 1968 – it certainly had an impact on me.
But it was those words that have always stayed with me... I am not a number!
It is very easy just to follow trend and be accepting – it is the corporate way. Have you ever been into a building, especially an office building where everyone looks the same – almost cloned... My first thoughts are: 'Get me out of here!'
For me, keeping your identity as an individual is quintessentially paramount! No question!
To fall into the trappings of that cliché 'You must be a team player to work here' fills me with the jitters. Industry quashes creativity, innovation and motivation. Corporate way is to control, be a number and to ensure the numbers on the bottom line benefits only the small number of people at the top.
NOW! I have 4 key letters that when put together makes a lot of noise and it exists in all of us... It creates rhythm and keeps us in step. 4 letters...
D – Determination and not destruction
Keep on going, have that goal but be aware of those around you... don't walk over anyone – you never know when you may need 'each other'. If you go charging ahead standing on anyone that stands in your way, one day 'When the chip are down'... you'll have no-one.
R – Respect and reality
Have respect for yourself, your beliefs and especially those of others. Be realistic – there is no harm in dreaming of becoming a brain surgeon but when you are a painter, realistically it ain't gonna happen. And you'll lose rhythm!
U – Uniqueness and unpretentious
Is the quality of being one of a kind and not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance .
M – Motivation and not manipulation
Find motivation by listening to others in a team or group and don't have delusions of grandeur thinking and that your views are the only ones that count... Reap what you sow, as they say.
The Drum is the fundamental instrument that keeps a band together, in time and it is so expressive.
Every band needs a good drummer... and as you well know when all the individual instruments come together and reach a crescendo – how wonderful that feeling is... It is true to say that 'together they are more!'
As entrepreneurs we need to keep beating that drum and not be afraid to be heard. Your voice is your drum. And as big it is to voice, it is equally essential to listen. That's what a drummer always does. And by doing that you will work well in a team – contributing in a collaborative way still allows you to keep your values. It is called the art of negotiating.
Famous drummers – Ringo Starr from The Beatles. Phil Collins from Genesis. Karen Carpenter from The Carpenters (Karen was a phenomenal drummer. In 1975 she was voted the Best Rock Drummer of the year!). Debbi Peterson from the Bangles... The late great Cozy Powell and one of my favourites... Animal from The Muppet Show.
Here is Karen Carpenter's first TV show and beating those drums
Animal from The Muppet Show is a 'Wild Thing'
They all have very different personalities but so wonderful at banging that drum.
So I say, it is time to get out and start banging your drum and remember that you are the voice.
When someone next asks you 'Who are you?' don't mumble 'I'm a teacher or I'm an artist' - Answer with your name... as I would do: 'I - am - Anna Fill'.
So before I stop banging my drum – I want to hear your drum. I am going to ask you the question 'Who are you?' And I want you all, at the same time, to shout out your name.
It is the only time I will condone shouting because in truth you do not need to shout to be heard – It's not what you do but the way that you do it.... It's not what you say... but it's the way that you say it.
So here we go... go on... no-one is looking - after 3 – 1,2,3... 'Who are you?'
Now didn't that feel good! Bang bang!
If you can handle more drumming... Here's the legend Cozy Powell.
This was my talk at the HPN - Holistic Professional Network event on Friday 25th May 2012 in Nice. Organised by Beverley Holt - See Photos
Musical Journey Part 1: When The Chips Are Down
Musical Journey Part 3: To PC Or Not To PC