General Articles
A Fortunate Encounter with a Nice Dentist
An unfortunate encounter with the floor was not what Annie Sweet planned but on this occasion where there is pain there is gain and a very pleasant female dentist in Nice. Read more
General Articles
The night Nice changed forever - 14th July
We have a received a personal account of what happened on the evening that changed the lives of so many in Nice forever on 14th July. The Riviera Woman has decided to withhold the identity of the author, who we know very well. The tragedy has touched us all and in so many ways. We hope that by demonstrating a united community we can overcome such acts of violence. Read more
Open Day 15th June at the International School Nice
The International School Nice is holding an open day on Wednesday 15th June. More details
A Passion for Fashion - with a hint of drama...
Introducing Nina Transfeld, founder of ‘Nina Transfeld Couture, a young fashion design entrepreneur who has just launched her first collection in Nice Old Town. Read more
General Articles
Open Day 9th March at the International School Nice
People and Places
A Little Haven in A Mad Mad World
Nice has a very special place that offers some home comforts for those less fortunate... Fantastic! Equally wonderful is that the venue represents a whole lot more... Read more
Salon du Chocolat - Nice, Exhibition
Choc-a-holics are going to enjoy this event in Nice this November. A wonderful selection of chocolate makers, suppliers and workshops to tempt you... More details
The Holistic Professionals Network Evening

Event: The Holistic Professionals Network is dedicated to promoting and supporting business professionals who care about natural healing, wellness, social responsibility, ecological sustainability and spiritual evolution.
On Friday July 20th at 7pm at HI Business Center, Nice.